Have you also been seeing this Thicc Milo trend on TikTok? It’s a simple ice dessert made sweeter with thick, milo ganache. The term “thicc milo” is just an unofficial name that Food TikTokers from the Philippines have come up with to describe the dessert. However, upon deeper research I discovered that this is actually an existing Malaysian iced treat called Milo Kepal, or Ais Kepal Milo.

Thicc Milo aka Milo Kepal Recipe
Thicc Milo is a very straightforward, easy-to-make Milo dessert! The best part is that you can easily find the ingredients to this recipe at home or from your local grocery stores.
Thicc Milo / Milo Kepal Ingredients:
- 1 cup Milo
- 100 ml condensed milk
- 3-4 tbsp hot water
- Shaved Ice
- Evaporated Milk
- Preferred toppings
- In a bowl, mix the Milo powder and hot water. Mix thoroughly so that you get a thick liquid. Be careful not to put too much water to avoid diluting the mixture.
- Add the condensed milk. Mix again until you achieve your desired “thicc” consistency. Then set aside and let cool. It’s important that you let the ganache cool first, so that it won’t melt the ice later.
- Using a food processor, crush as much ice cubes as you want.
- Fill your glass to the brim with crushed ice. Then slowly add evaporated milk on top of the crushed ice.
- Finally, pour the Milo ganache on top of the milky ice, and you’re done!

What you get is a creamy and milky chocolatey dessert that’s perfect for summer. Eat it with a spoon, or if it has already melted, drink it like a chocolate beverage!
To make your Milo Kepal more fun, you may also add toppings such as nuts, marshmallows, or even more chocolates. Personally, I prefer to just add nuts because the Milo and milk are already sweet enough.

Thicc Milo aka Milo Kepal
- 1 cup Milo
- 100 ml condensed milk
- 3-4 tbsp hot water
- Shaved Ice
- Evaporated Milk
- Nuts, chocolates, or marshmallows for toppings optional
- In a bowl, mix the Milo powder and hot water. Mix thoroughly so that you get a thick liquid. Be careful not to put too much water to avoid diluting the mixture.
- Add the condensed milk. Mix again until you achieve your desired “thicc” consistency. Then set aside and let cool. It’s important that you let the ganache cool first, so that it won’t melt the ice later.
- Using a food processor, crush as much ice cubes as you want.
- Fill your glass to the brim with crushed ice. Then slowly add evaporated milk on top of the crushed ice.
- Finally, pour the Milo ganache on top of the milky ice, and you’re done!
- Optional: To make your Milo Kepal more fun, you may also add toppings such as nuts, marshmallows, or even more chocolates.
I like the name haha
thicc Milo, also known as Milo Kepal, is a delicious and popular drink that originated in Malaysia. This recipe involves making a thick Milo ganache using Milo powder, hot water, and condensed milk. The ganache is then poured over a bed of crushed ice and evaporated milk. The result is a rich and creamy drink with a delightful texture. It’s important to be careful not to dilute the Milo powder too much when making the ganache to achieve that perfect thicc consistency. Give it a try and enjoy the flavors of Milo in a unique and satisfying way!
i love the title thicc Milo aka Milo Kepal