KULAY LILA ang gabi na binudburan pa ng mga bituin review

Kulay Lila Ang Gabi Na Binudburan Pa Ng Mga Bituin Review


Kulay Lila Ang Gabi Na Binudburan Pa Ng Mga Bituin Full Movie Review: “Kulay Lila Ang Gabi” would have probably more enticing to audiences if it marketed itself as an adaptation of a screenplay that won first prize in the 66th Palanca Awards. The premise is pretty interesting, and at some point it is even reminiscent of Black Mirror’s San Junipero episode. Sadly, whatever potential it had with the screenplay got lost in the execution.

KULAY LILA ang gabi na binudburan pa ng mga bituin palancan movie review

Aries and Chai are having troubles with their married life. In an effort to save their relationship, they sign up to an experimental couple’s retreat program, where they would be brought to an isolated place and allowed to fix their marriage on their own. There would be no counselors, nor any form of outside influence in the retreat. But just when Chai and Aries have started figuring out what’s wrong with their relationship, they also realize that each of them also have personal demons that they have to battle on their own.

Kulay Lila Ang Gabi Na Binudburan Pa Ng Mga Bituin Trailer

It’s sad when you can tell that a story could have had so much potential, but was ruined because of crappy CGI and awkward performances. The script had the makings of a light-hearted dramedy, which sadly wasn’t realized by the dynamics of the main characters, and the creative direction of the film as a whole. The depiction of the characters’ motivations was weak, and the resolution that they found for the conflict was even weaker.

KULAY LILA ang gabi movie KULAY LILA ang gabi na binudburan pa ng mga bituin movie KULAY LILA ang gabi na binudburan pa ng mga bituin palanca

The horrible CGI didn’t help either. I can still clearly remember that dream sequence with visual effects that looked like they were taken from a Windows 98 screensaver. Scenes that were supposedly set in a futuristic setting also didn’t work out, and ended up looking like unconvincing makeshift production designs.

The movie itself doesn’t justify the absurdly long title. I’m yet to see all the entries in QCinema, but as of writing this is my least favorite so far.


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