Watch the Banned Uncut Trailer of Tragic Theater


MTRCB banned this trailer of Tragic Theater, for being “too scary”for public viewing. The heck.

Mind you, this is a horror film, so the scarier the better right? If there’s one thing that a horror movie has to do in its trailer, it’s to convince the viewers that it’s going to scare the sh*t outta them. Why would I go and see scary movie if the trailer doesn’t give me the creeps?
Good thing MTRCB’s rulings don’t extend to Youtube (or this blog, I hope), so we can still take a look at the trailer in question. Check it out below and let me know if it’s scary enough.

Tragic Theater Uncut Trailer

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All the images, videos, and materials go to “Tragic Theater” and/or to their respective owners. I do not own these materials. No copyright infringement intended.

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