how to make graham balls recipe

Graham Balls Snowman


The Holidays are one of those “no-diet” seasons, where most of us allow ourselves to splurge and indulge, with the promise to start dieting (again) the next year. I admire those who are resilient enough to say no to lechon, leche flan, puto bumbong, and most especially home-cooked meals when they go home for the holidays. It’s funny how our titos and titas always comment on how we have gained weight, yet they always insist that we eat more during noche buena!

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Gone are the days when I was the kid who eagerly watches while my mom makes spaghetti. Now I’m one the titos who prepare food for my nephews and nieces. Spaghetti, hotdogs, and salads never fail but this time, why not make something that’s not only tasty, but cute and creative as well?

Graham Balls Recipe: Graham Balls Snowman

Graham balls are not only easy to make, they’re quite popular with the kids too! With just a bit of creativity, you can turn your regular graham balls into a cute little Snowman. The best part is that you can turn this into a bonding session with the kids! Here’s the Graham Balls Snowman Recipe:

Graham Balls Ingredients:

200g Crushed Grahams
250ml Sweetened Condensed Milk
Desiccated Coconut
Sour tapes
Oreos (Large and Minis)
Nips or Chocolate Chips

How to Make Graham Balls Snowman

  1. Mix the crushed grahams with condensed milk until the consistency of the mixture is moldable.
  2. Coat your marshmallows with the graham-milk mixture and shape it into a ball. You need two ball sizes – a large one for the snowman’s body, and a smaller one for the snowman’s head. Use more marshmallows depending on how large the graham balls are.
  3. Cover the balls with desiccated coconut. Be sure to cover the grahams entirely so the exterior is mostly white to look like actual snow.
  4. Freeze the balls for 5-10 minutes.
  5. Using toothpicks, position the snowman’s head on top of the body.
  6. Decorate your snowman using candies. I used Nips for the buttons and face, pretzels for the arms, and sour tapes for the snowman’s scarf. For the hat, I placed a regular Oreo and an Oreo mini on top of each other.

This is what the Graham Balls Snowman looks like:

how to make graham balls recipe

Isn’t he a cutie? And it tastes as good as it looks too!

What other creative Christmas ideas do you have for your Noche Buena?


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